Delivering an efficient, personalized customer experience during every interaction should be a contact center’s main goal. However, the growing preference for digital channels has altered customer expectations about how their problems are solved. If those expectations aren’t met, it’s not hard for customer loyalty to affix itself elsewhere—like with a competitor. But the secret to not only meeting customer expectations but also exceeding them is quite simple. Companies that are considered “always on” are perpetually and consistently available to address and resolve customer needs. This enables them to provide exceptional CX that results in confidence and loyalty to a brand.
The new report, “Are you always on? Survey says: Meet customer expectations anytime, anywhere,” analyzes data taken from a recent survey of contact center leaders. It pinpoints top priorities for extending informed, frictionless experiences to customers during every interaction, and provides insight and data regarding self-service and digital solutions, technology, CX strategy, and more.
So how does your company achieve this “always-on” status? Here are a few tips you’ll find in the survey report:
- Chart predefined customer journeys and use metrics to anticipate needs and proactively guide them to answers
- Meet customers at the beginning of their search queries at any digital entry point
- Leverage AI to enhance self-service channels and allow for customer-driven, fully contained interactions
- Use data, metrics, and technology to fuel solution tactics for future interactions
Learn what it takes to be a true frontrunner in exceeding expectations for every customer need. Learn what it takes to be always on.
How to deliver frictionless customer experiences
Key trends, tips and tools you can put to use this year to deliver great customer experiences amid significant change.
Build smart self-service fast with Enlighten XO
Every business owner with a call center knows the experience you want your customers to avoid: stuck in an endless maze of automated options, none of them right, frustration rising as the minutes tick on. Whether digitally or through automated voice commands, self-service has the capacity to increase efficiency. But an outdated system that isn’t anticipating consumer demands can lower customer satisfaction. And as consumer preferences have shifted, a seamless selfservice experience has become an imperative for many organizations.
Be the WOW—Make every interaction better than expected!
Why is it so critical to WOW customers? Rising standards for customer experience—59% of consumers say theirs did during the pandemic. Rising importance of customer experience—80% say it’s as important as a company’s products or services. Rise to the WOW challenge!