Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives (10th August, 2016)

Much to contemplate in this week’s CMO Perspectives, including a piece from Steve Olenski writing for Jay Baer’s on 3 things CMOs must consider for CX; John Ellett for on why CMO turnover is at an all time high; on prepping employees before they go on social media; ZDNet featuring a #CXOTalk with McKinsey partner David Edelman; The great Adrian Swinscoe questioning everything big data, AI, analytics, and automation; Finally, our Tweet of the Week from @dhinchcliffe with his list of top #Tech investments in the next 5 years. Enjoy!

3 Things CMOs Must Consider When Leading Customer Experience []
We often follow Steve Olenski, Sr. Content Strategist/Sr. Writer for Oracle Marketing Cloud, on Forbes and the Huffington Post, but this is the first time we are reading him on one of our favourite sites, Jay Baer's Olenski is writing about 3 things CMOs must consider when leading CX, and they are:

  1. Balance the Brand View and the Business View
  2. Show Your Passion, Drive Collaboration, and Lead Organizational Change
  3. Be Technologically Savvy

Given that more and more CMOs are now taking control of the CX this is good advice to follow.

CMO Turnover Reaches New High []
"The CMO is bored and ready for a new challenge." That is quite a statement to make and one of four reasons John Ellett gives as to why he thinks CMO turnover is so high. But are things really all that grim? Sure the statistics don't lie and research is showing that CMO turnover is at a new high, and as we all know, everyone has been writing for months (if not longer) that the role of the CMO is changing. Perhaps it's just that the "traditional" CMO isn't fitting in anymore and naturally making way for the new customer centric CMO. Maybe as Ellet says, another reason is that the CMO is capable of delivering business results and is therefore promoted to a higher-level position, often regional president, brand president or COO. Whether you agree or not, this is a very interesting read and we'd like to know what you think in the comments below.

Why brands can't afford to ignore 'Uber's children' []
Brands now have the potential through technology to fulfil consumers' needs at every point throughout the customer experience. And a new wave of users is expecting brands to do just that. According to industry heads speaking at SYZYGY's Digital Innovation Day, marketers can't afford to respond with anything but brilliance. As Helen Hoddinott points out, "It is brands that are providing users with continued solutions to their problems that are achieving cut-through." Uber is just one example used in this piece of a new brand getting it right and “spoiling” it for the rest.

Why You Need to Prep Employees Before They Go to the Social Media Frontlines []
How timely. NICE just sent 30 employees who won a competition to the RIO Olympics and as a thank you they are constantly taking pictures for us to post on social media. Their intentions are admirable, they wanted to thank NICE and show what a great place it is to work - and it is - and obviously NICE is using it as a PR tool. So glad we have read this Carin Warner piece on "Why You Need to Prep Employees Before They Go to the Social Media Frontlines," before they left.

#CXOTALK McKinsey Partner Explains Digital Marketing [ZDNet]
We have featured #CXOTalk on here before but it is definitely worth reminding or introducing it to our readers again. In this edition of #CXOTalk, Michael Krigsman for Beyond IT Failure interviews the global co-leader of Digital McKinsey, David Edelman. Edelman presents key success factors in the journey to digital marketing. His practical advice is essential reading for every marketer and CMO.

Can We Stop Talking About Big Data And Start Talking About Business And Customer Outcomes? []
As we know the business world is awash with stories about the possibilities and applications of big data, analytics, automation, and artificial intelligence technologies. However, customer service and experience guru Adrian Swinscoe is still confused and slightly conflicted by it all, and that must mean something is wrong. In this Forbes piece he admits that, "On the one hand, I am excited by the impact these technologies will have on an organisation’s ability to deliver improved service and experience to their customers." He goes on to list real examples - from companies such as TALKTALK, Budget Truck Rental, and Bell Canada - as evidence of the promise of these technologies present. However, he then goes on to say he is becoming increasingly concerned about the impact all of this attention is having on some organisations, particularly when I hear stories that talk about lack of skill sets, inability to handle the sheer quantity of data, the risk of losing the human touch, and the real danger that we are at risk of repeating mistakes of the near past surrounding CRM technology. This is a real and honest piece about the fear many have around data and analytics, well done Andrian for putting it out there!

Our TWEET OF THE WEEK and someone you should be following anyway, is from Dion Hinchcliffe @dhinchcliffe with his list of top #Tech investments in the next 5 years.


​We hope you enjoyed this week’s CMO Perspectives, be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us  @NICE_CX or follow us on LinkedIn.

