How to Become a Cloud Transformation Leader

As a child, I didn't dream of becoming a legendary football player or a rock star like many kids do. My dream was to become, a superhero character that saves the world! (I know…a geek is my middle name ?.)

Unfortunately, this childhood dream never did come true, instead, I am sitting here writing this for you! What I AM going to share with you today is how you can become something even bigger and better than a superhero. I'd like to embark on a journey with you help you become a cloud transformation leader within your very own enterprise.

A successful CLOUD transformation program is essential to secure resources and funds. To become a successful cloud transformer, it essential that you obtain executive sponsorship and Senior Management buy-in. This is not an option but critical to your success.

Once you have secured management approval then your next step is to set clear KPIs such as CAPEX or OPES savings and define the specific goals. Map out how to obtain success and how it will be measured exactly. To ensure your program's success, communication is key within your organization. Make your employees understand the program's goals, and tell them how they can contribute to its success. Even a small contribution can lead to something much larger.

Moreover, true success will be achieved by realizing how the move to the cloud transforms your business. 

This is the perfect place to clear up a common misconception—cloud isn't all or nothing. Many customer service leaders assume that they need to move all component applications of their 'suite' to the cloud at the same time, but they don't! Start small, and migrate to the cloud at your own pace. It's not a sprint but truly a marathon.

Finally, let's address security. You should choose a cloud strategy which suits your business and relies on state-of-the-art security standards. Your security needs are unique to your organization and only you can define exactly what is needed.

As we have seen through the years, not all dreams come true. I will not be able to save the world from a dangerous villain, but cloud migration programs will allow you to fulfil a professional dream and become the superhero of your enterprise cloud migration program. That I can promise you.